Never Give Up
Years ago, when I first began this journey, I got so much negative feedback from friends and family who were going to church. They called me evil, called me a witch and even turned their backs on me. Some even told me that as long as I was serving the devil, I was their enemy and even quoted scriptures to prove that I was their enemy.
Crazy right? Right…I went thru several different paths, trying to find the one that is best for me. I started with Hebrew Israelites. A friend sent me information that made sense and I cut all my hair off and began growing locs.

People talked shit about me still! Wow! During that
journey, I tried to be a Rasta, 5 Percenter, and the word that I hate the most have Knowledge of Self.
I knew all the terminology, I learned how to chat it up, and I was flipflopping all over the place. I then got bored and became initiated into Santeria, and then Palo Mayombe to going to Akan classes from New York to North Carolina. Then I got started in Voodoo. Yes, I was all over the place!
During those times, I became involved with men who were very abusive to me. I mean verbally and physically, and they took from me! They beat me down, spit on me, and called me all kinds of names, and I still allowed them to sleep with me. I could not go to my family for help, for I was of the devil. My friends were no longer my friends, and the ones I had met had issues of their own. I kept speaking to my ancestors, asking them to please send me someone to talk to you to help me understand.
I met a woman who became an excellent friend of mines to this day. She was not into none of the spiritual paths that I had chosen, but she appeared in my life like my guardian angel. I would call her and vent, and she just listened to me and encouraged me on all my paths. The more I spoke with her; I realized that everything I had been going through happened because of my decision-making and free will.

I began taking everything that I had learned from all these religious groups and combined them. I realized that while I was going thru all my trail and tribulations, my faith never wavered. I used all the energies that I knew to help me, and I understood that everything goes hand in hand and all we have to do nit give up on ourselves. We must never give up on the knowledge, but we must learn how to use every aspect that the universe offers us to help us fulfill
our lives daily.
After 20 odd years, I am still faithful to everything that, every energy, every word, every thought that I have to pertain to what I know, and I apply that to my life because I never gave up!

Sister Zoaya, I thank God and the Orisha's for protecting you and keeping you in your spiritual journey to share as an encouragement to others and to me as I continue in mine. I will always be grateful to having memories of being part of women's weekend retreat with you. We might not been in each others presence on a regular but restqssure you always have a special place in my heart and soul andI will be one to support you.
I thank God and the Orishas for your presence in my life , you are a breath of fresh Air Always on point , your positive energy and a heart ❤️ Of Gold . Love U Queen and May the Orishas continue to Bless U Always Ashe 🙏❤️