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Herbs, Roots, Stones, and Other

Public·261 members

Good afternoon everyone.

It was something I'd been working on since January at times it was like a roller coaster ride so high I was

In tears what am I going to do or who can help me. This the part that defines WORK... I never gave up I was in the lab I gave working a break for a Lil min to let it work and back on it I was. No matter what I never stopped or changed my intentions I did get clearer with my wording if anything I got more determined. All the while I was also working on myself a pure heart and clean hands...Yes I had to call the police, I didn't want to pepper spray my own child I did, even calling to have him committed for mental evaluation I did .

I'm his mother I know my son it hurt deeply do get some points but I'm going to see this through yep night's he was locked outside. We talked he talked I listen what came in my heart to boldly say I said.

What I'm saying is sometime work can be what you don't want to do because of care. No the hospital or police never helped that showed me more what I have to do.

Today I'm encouraging everyone WORKING break down the problem Like a math equation part by part and calmly attack ( with determination ) everything we have been apart of in this group and others see how to apply it to get your solutions. No excuses be crafty it's all kinds of way to get your work done. FIGHT FIGHT BACK

Want them to wash in it put some in the bodywash. A bar of soap put it on the soap Want to spray it put it in a spray bottle want smoke out the house put it on the stove let it smoke like something was on the eye or bottom of the pot.burning. This is a job to take seriously. Your efforts and intentions consistency and above all don't talk about it or the individual . Is what and when you'll see results


We are learning about working with herbs, roots, stones, and...

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